Saturday, February 14, 2009

wonderful friday

Hello everyone! I know that i haven't commented in FOREVER, but i have good reason. And it is... well.... I....... ok ok! Fine i don't have an excuse except that i just haven't had the time. Well last night I had a futsol game and we lost. =( I know! I was way sad. I'm not telling you the score though. Anyways, after that I went to my home girl sages house and had a blast. I think that was the most I have ever laughed. Well we were downstairs in her room, and we were just laughing at the dumbest things. haha. Well ya, that is what we do best. haha
So earlier today after school we had a dance. I had so much fun! My and my bud, cody, had a dance off. And i beat him of course. haha actually idk who won cuz no one really voted. haha. And also me and cody found our new hand shake. :) yup. it is pretty cool. So ya. that is all. luv ya everyone!


Lizzie said...

Hey, Melia! I love your blog!
Lizzie (the other one)