Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Adventurous Day with lizz

Hello everyone! sorry i haven't blogged in a long time, well yesturday was a fun fun day except for the end-ish. Well I got up earley and me and my parents went to the Tmobile store and me and my mom got new phones. Mine is redd-ish and its slidey! Yep it slides up and down. haha. Then right after that, we came home and Lizzy was here (she was riding her bike from her voice lessens to my house) and we did all this fun stuff with my new phone. Then after that, we went ourside and started working, selling these amazing pizza cards. We did that for a lond time, but got nothing. :( i know sad right? So we went back to my house and made some ramen. yum. for lunch. then after that we were recording my voice message thing. yeah, you should listen to it. Anyways, then we went outside to go ride our bikes up to her house. We rode on this little path through these trees and a creek. So we saw this little rop swing and we got on it and had a ton of fun swining on it. Well except for when the stick of wood hit me in the head. ugh that hurt really bad. but we took all these pictures with our phones and we had a wonderful photo shoot. then we went to her house and we soled a lot of pizza cards. we earned $107!!!!! yay!!!!!! well ya that was a fun day. then after that i went to tumbling and worked on my layout. and then i went to a fun swim party!!! well ya i gtg luv ya!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Youth Conference

Hey guys! I know i haven't blogged in a long time, but i am now.
So last weekend was youth conference and I had such a good time. The first night was thursday and we had a fireside and John Bytheway talked. He is really funny and it was a really good talk. Then on Friday, we went to this park in provo and played all these fun kinds of games then we went and hiked the Y on the mountain. It was sort of a really short hike, but it was really, really steep. I hiked with my friends Marisa and Dani. We had fun. Then on Saturday morning we had a service project in the adventure learning park. It took a long time, but we got it done, and it looks a lot better. We were working in our wards and my job was to take the wheelbarrel full of stuff to the huge pile. I went with some other girls in my ward and after we pored alll the weeds and sticks and stuff into the pile, I would hop in and the would wheel me all the way back. It was way fun and scary at the same time.
Then saturday night, we had a dinner and a dance. It was really fun. I got asked to every slow song, and some guys asked me twice. The dinner was yummy. My crush even asked me to dance. It was really intence and fun. hahahaha. Then after me and marie and courtney and jared and dalen went and hung out in my back yard. haha it was a good day. :]]

Saturday, February 14, 2009

wonderful friday

Hello everyone! I know that i haven't commented in FOREVER, but i have good reason. And it is... well.... I....... ok ok! Fine i don't have an excuse except that i just haven't had the time. Well last night I had a futsol game and we lost. =( I know! I was way sad. I'm not telling you the score though. Anyways, after that I went to my home girl sages house and had a blast. I think that was the most I have ever laughed. Well we were downstairs in her room, and we were just laughing at the dumbest things. haha. Well ya, that is what we do best. haha
So earlier today after school we had a dance. I had so much fun! My and my bud, cody, had a dance off. And i beat him of course. haha actually idk who won cuz no one really voted. haha. And also me and cody found our new hand shake. :) yup. it is pretty cool. So ya. that is all. luv ya everyone!